Tuesday, May 14, 2013

"you are what you tweet..."

 “All one needs is a computer, a network connection, and a bright spark of initiative and creativity to join the economy.” -Don Tapscott

    Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Do you have over twenty-five thousand connections worldwide?  Does your LinkedIn page feature a photo of  you exposing your half- naked body in an exotic locale?  Are you listed as the CEO of your own independent "match making" enterprise?   Here's the story buzzing in social media circles this evening.
The professional networking site recently updated their user service agreement to clarify "unlawful" advertising due to the fact that LinkedIn operates in countries where prostitution is perfectly legal. So even though you may be extraordinary at promoting your self-image, lying about your Masters degree in "public escort relations" from Art Vandelay University may warrant further scrunity. Prostitution is strictly prohibited. However, you are still permitted to whore your talents and skills in a million imaginable ways as a job candidate or employer. Carry on then.