The highly anticipated Sonic Highways documentary series is set to debut this fall on HBO. Written by Foo Fighter's front man Dave Grohl with Mark Monroe, and produced in conjunction with Therapy Studios, James A. Rota and John Ramsay, the series will explore the magical aura and rich history of music studios around the country.
Featured studios include Steve Albini’s Electrical Audio in Chicago; Rancho de Luna in California; and Washington, D.C.’s Inner Ear Studios. Sonic Highways will interview the artists who recorded at the studios, revealing amazing tales of musical craftsmanship. Heart's Nancy Wilson, The Eagle's Joe Walsh, Fugazi’s Ian MacKaye, Minor Threat and Paul Stanley of Kiss are rumored to be in the spotlight.
Dave Grohl explained in a recent interview with Billboard, that Sonic Highways will be exploring the musical identity of each studio as well as the sights and sounds of the corresponding city.
“It’s basically the history of American music broken down to the cultural roots of each place: Why did Chicago become a blues capital? Why did country go to Nashville? Why did the first psychedelic band, Thirteenth Floor Elevators, come from Austin? How did the second line rhythm make its way to New Orleans? It’s crazy.”
Looking forward to the autumn premiere just might make summer's end a little sweeter.