Tuesday, November 18, 2014

"Listening is love."

"Listening  to someone closely is one of the most valuable gifts we can give to another human being."-David Isay, founder of StoryCorps

     TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design ) began as high impact conferences quickly transforming into an innovative nonprofit devoting the past 30 years to education, imagination and inspiration. https://www.ted.com/about/our-organization  TED's mission: to simply spread ideas. With 18 minute video presentations in over 100 languages, no topic is off limits. Each year TED awards a one-million dollar prize to a person or organization that exemplifies a visionary view of our ever evolving world. The incentive is used to further support the global impact of their project wish.

      The 2015 TED PRIZE was awarded to David Isay as founder of StoryCorps.  Since its inception  ten years ago, StoryCorps creative force, Isay understood the great historical significance of sharing his own fathers unique journey.  StoryCorps has flourished into a passionate record of  seemingly ordinary people relating incredible narratives. Featured stories, pod casts, books, dvd's and animated shorts are available on their website. Discover how you and your loved ones can share your story here.  /http://storycorps.org/