Thursday, September 18, 2014

"Our passion for learning is our tool for survival."

"We live in a world that is full of problems, and we are the solutions to those problems."- Julia "Butterfly" Hill- author, environmentalist


     Many people feel overwhelmed with political questions, time constraints and money issues when it comes to contemplating ways to help save our planet. So put your worries in perspective, without a planet to live on, time and money don't matter. The simple fact is there are hundreds of ways all of us can contribute to healing our Earth. This weekend global and religious leaders, activists, teachers, scientists, artists and ordinary citizens from around the world will take action with the People's Climate March and Mobilisation   

What if you're unable to attend the march or organize an event? Think of what you CAN do rather than what you can't.  The following is a list of ideas that you, your family, your business, community, state and local government can start today.  All of us share the responsibility to act.  Vow to make a positive impact on our environment going forward, not only for your family but for all families and generations to come.

Once a week- GO VEGETARIAN - Did you know it takes approximately 2500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef?  By skipping meat at least one meal per week ( Meatless Mondays) you are saving the planet and helping your own diet, not to mention saving the life of an animal.

RECYCLE ALUMINUM AND GLASS- look for recycle bins in your area, if they aren't available in your neighborhoods and communities ask why?

STOP USING PLASTIC BOTTLES AND BAGS -plastic is not biodegradable. Each year the US uses almost 84 billion plastic bags- a significant amount of the nearly 500 billion used worldwide.  Reusable cloth or paper bags are the way to go.

TELECOMMUTE- make arrangements with your employer if possible to work from home at least once a week or more. You will save money on vehicle wear and tear, gasoline, transportation fees or fuel. Fewer emissions is better for our air.

GO PAPERLESS- Pay bills online.  Stop paper statements.

TURN OFF LIGHTS -SHUT DOWN YOUR COMPUTER WHEN NOT IN USE- Most people don't realize they can save a significant amount on their energy bills by turning off their computers rather than allowing it to go into sleep mode. You save 4 cents a day by turning off the computer or 14$ dollars a year.

SHOWER OVER BATH TIME- SHOWER WITH YOUR PARTNER- Conserve water and save money on energy bills. Cut down on lawn watering and car washing.

DON'T LEAVE THE WATER RUNNING WHEN BRUSHING YOUR TEETH. You will smile at the money you save and the water you conserve.

DON'T THROW IT AWAY, GIVE IT AWAY-  Before you decide to toss an old lamp in the garbage or throw away clothing find out if someone else can use or recycle the item. Go to


HOW DO I HELP PROTECT ANIMALS FROM POACHING AND BECOMING ENDANGERED? Join the National Wildlife Federation or check out World Wildlife

We can all do much more than we ever realize. Even the smallest action is better than no action at all.  Just begin. 

"Our passion for learning is our tool for survival."- Carl Sagan, American astrophysicist,  author, astronomer

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