“Just as parents care for their children, you should bear in mind the whole universe.” ― Dogen
When first being exposed and educated about the atrocities that animals suffer in mass producing factories, my feelings were of horror and outrage. My thoughts were like millions of other concerned animal advocates and animal lovers, "How can human beings treat animals this way?" The passion to alleviate suffering was centered on my emotional pain. It was almost impossible for me to look at photo's or read articles without crying or feeling sick to my stomach. Even after many years of being exposed to first hand accounts, reports on abuse, starvation and torture it's still just as incredibly painful. But we cannot ignore or look away from suffering. Human or animal. Those of us who have owned, truly honor and love dogs cannot imagine inflicting cruelty or allowing our pets to be harmed. In order to understand the breeder/ owners, operators and workers of puppy mills, emotions have to be internalized in order to take effective action.
Most Americans find puppy mills deplorable, inhumane and want them completely eliminated. For the most part we are a culture of dog doting, pooch pampering pet parents and to me that is a beautiful thing. Hopefully, future generations of children will never be exposed to dogs as a mere money scamming commodity, soul less product or an object to be thrown away like trash. Dogs, cats and other companion animals are family, friends, guides, healers and especially heroes. Think of all the ways dogs and companion animals have saved and rescued human beings.
So why are puppy mills still operating in the United States? What is the root cause of over breeding, sickness and death of millions of innocent animals? The biggest factor and the main component in almost all corruption is greed. What can you do to stop puppy mills?
Many states have laws that regulate breeders and/or retail pet sellers. Know your state laws. To find out how your state stacks up, click here http://www.animallaw.com/ The people who run puppy mills do not give a damn about the dogs and the conditions they live in. They care about the money they get from selling dogs. Running a puppy mill is a form of animal cruelty. When puppy mills are discovered by authorities, they're shut down.
Any breeder or shop that sells you a puppy that becomes ill or dies within a certain time frame is going to be held accountable and should be. Many of these puppies are bought and sold from puppy mills. The Puppy Lemon Law insures a time limit in which the puppy or dog may be returned due to certain problems but varies from state to state. In some states, the period for returning a dog with an infectious disease is 14 days. There are also 7, 10 and 15 day periods for infectious diseases. Any fees incurred will have to be paid by the breeder or dealer. The veterinary fees as well as the certification fees that are necessary to declare the dog as unfit for purchase are another expense that would be reimbursed. Typically, these range up to about 50% of the price paid for the puppy or dog.
It's up to the public to inform authorities if they know of a mill or even suspect that one is operating.
If you suspect that a shop in your community is dealing or selling puppy mill dogs contact your local law enforcement or animal control. Together we can stop puppy mill operations in the US. Each and every one of us has the power to take action.