"Know how to learn. Then, want to learn."
-Katherine Johnson, American physicist, mathematician

On August 26th American physicist, mathematician and space scientist, Katherine Johnson will celebrate her birthday. Among her many accomplishments was devising crucial calculations responsible for putting our astronauts on the moon.
Johnson's brilliant mind established the trajectory for the first Mercury Mission https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/mercury/missions/manned_flights.html as well as Alan B Shepard's May 5th expedition in 1961. Shepard was the first American and second person in the world to ever travel into space and back. Katherine Johnson's calculations were so accurate that even after after the first computers were used in 1962 for astronaut and Ohio native John Glenn's http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/k-4/stories/nasa-knows/who-is-john-glenn-k4.html journey into orbit, NASA https://www.nasa.gov/ requested Katherine Johnson double check all of the computers conclusions.
Although Katherine Johnson may be readily recognized in the scientific community too many Americans are unfamiliar with her incredible story as a pioneering African-American teacher and mathematician. Making it's debut in January of 2017, HIDDEN FIGURES the movie based on the book of the same name features a remarkable cast lead by Golden Globe winners Taraji P. Henson (EMPIRE, Hustle & Flow), Octavia Spencer (The Help, Get On Up) and American recording star, Janelle Monae. The cast is rounded out by Hollywood notables Kevin Costner, Kirsten Dunst, Jim Parsons and features a musical score by acclaimed producer, artist Pharrell Williams and world renowned composer Hans Zimmer. HIDDEN FIGURES is directed by Theodore Melfi (St. Vincent )
HIDDEN FIGURES, the amazing nonfiction book written by Margot Lee Shetterly is available here: /http://margotleeshetterly.com/hidden-figures-nasas-african-american-computers/