"Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night."- Hal Borland, author, journalist.

A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse is fascinating because it's a rare event in our human history. The last time most Earthlings witnessed a Supermoon lunar eclipse was in 1982 when TIME's "Man of the Year" was the computer, the first CD player was sold in Japan, the Weather Channel made its debut, E.T and Chariots of Fire topped the box office, Michael Jackson released his Thriller album and the most popular song in the US was "Don't You Want Me" by the Human League.
The next Supermoon lunar eclipse will occur 18 years from now in 2033, so if you have the opportunity don't miss this incredible visually breathtaking event, Sunday, September 27th between 9:07 PM and 12:27 AM. Tweet photo's to # SuperBloodMoonLunarEclipse
NASA will be providing a live feed on their website. https://www.nasa.gov/