- "Instead of teaching, I told stories.Anything to keep them quiet and in their seats.They thought I was teaching.I thought I was teaching.I was learning.
― Frank McCourt, Teacher Man

Believe it or not many schools started classes a week ago in July. When I was in school we began after Labor Day or officially the day after the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon. The hours leading up to the first day of school were either intensely exciting or made you want to violently vomit. Either way you got to show off your brand new shoes. After hours of debating and throwing temper tantrums in the aisle of Kmart you smugly carried your carefully chosen lunchbox and thermos to check out. A lunchbox identified a child's social status like a smartphone or tablet does today. Happy Days and the Fonze? Cool. Hardy Boys? Not cool. Dukes of Hazzard? Cool. Evil Knievel. Not cool. Charlie's Angels? Cool. Holly Hobbie? Way not cool. You had to purchase new notebooks with adorable puppies and kittens on the cover, No.2 pencils, pencil coffin box, safety scissors that only crumpled paper, mini pack of Kleenex tissues, a plastic ruler you used as an airplane propeller, a protractor you busted trying to wedge your desk lid open and gigantic pink block erasers you would tear to bits and hurl at a classmates head. Spoiled, you may have demanded high quality Elmer's Glue and not the generic second rate tacky glue stick for heavens sake. Of course the Coupe De Ville of all sacred school supplies was the Crayola Crayon 72 pack. This was the two tiered box royale that featured fancy fresh color names like lemon yellow, carnation pink, burnt sienna and hot magenta. Crayola's were what an avid coloring book lover craved all year.
Even more important than our school supply stash was our teachers, rulers of a child's universe for nine months. Our teachers were the Captain, O Captains of the Class and the Kings and Queens of our curriculum. From kindergarten to seventh grade and from high school to Hogwarts teachers guided our existence.
Earlier I asked you to reflect on teachers past. What if you had the ability to choose your own teachers? Would you learn reading with Veronica Vaugh ? Would you debate sociology with Mr. Mark Thackeray? Would Gabe Kotter teach you American History or would Coach Eric Taylor prepare you for football under the Friday night lights? Now pretend you are the principal of your own school and you need to hire staff. Which teachers real or imagined would you choose? Below is the link to an article I created after contemplating that question and choosing my favorite cinema instructors. Spoiler alert: The movie featuring my all time favorite teacher still inspires my YAWP.
A special Happy Birthday wish to Lorraine, August 6th!
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